Hayes School

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School Improvement Priorities

We know we are all on a journey. All staff at Hayes school we know we are no different to the children in this respect.

We have identified key areas that we are striving to improve this academic year.  In order to do this, we have created School Improvement Plans, which as 'live documents' we update regularly. These documents are RAG rated (red, amber & green) and accessed and scrutinised by our senior leadership team, governors and key stakeholders. 

Data and knowledge of our school and the community we serve inform us of what we need to  do to improve.  We have identified key priorities in the document below. Each 'Headline' is the title of a School Improvement Plan, and thus a major piece of work for the year. These documents are produced in order to regularly review and reflect on what we need to do to get even better and provide the children of Hayes with the very best possible opportunities in order to succeed and 'Be all they can be'.