Hayes School

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School Uniform Information and Policy

UniformThe school uniform consists of:-

  • Navy polo shirt
  • Jade sweatshirt / cardigan
  • Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
  • Blue summer dress (summer term only)
  • Black shoes
  • Book bags

P.E. uniform is a house-coloured t-shirt with black or navy shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms with plimsolls or trainers.

Please ensure your child wears their P.E. Kit to school on P.E. days.

Our school uniform is available from: Riviera School Days, 186 Union Street Torquay, TQ2 5QP.

Telephone: 01803 293650.

Email: info@rivieraschooldays.co.uk 

Parents can acquire second hand uniform by contacting the school office on 01803 557336.

School Uniform Policy