Hayes School

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Physical Education

At Hayes we aim to provide a PE curriculum that has been carefully designed to provide a broad and enriching experience for students to develop as well rounded individuals. Our PE curriculum provided many opportunities for pupils to be active while learning and developing cognitive ability, physical skills and social and emotional growth. The children enjoy their PE through an engaging range of sports and core skills which allow them to experience a broad spectrum of activities - this helps them to develop their understanding of health, fitness and wellbeing.

PE at Hayes is progressively planned from EYFS through to Year 6 so that children develop core skills and have the opportunity to apply them in a range of different sports. These opportunities are provided in school through lessons, or out of school through after school clubs and school competition.

The curriculum has been organised in collaboration with our PE provider, Kinetic Sports Group (KSG), in order that the children understand the importance of sport in school not only for their physical benefits, but also for their social development. This also has an impact on the children’s understanding of the School Values and the school motto, ‘Be All You Can Be’.

By following the curriculum map, the unit outcomes, and using the lesson planning document, along with high level delivery from the KSG coach, who works with and supports the class teacher, students will progress through a variety of skills and experiences. To ensure consolidation and success of learning outcomes, the curriculum map has been designed so that the children experience an annual cycle of multi-skills, gymnastics, dance, net games, team games and athletics. These units of work are clearly plotted through the Curriculum Pathway, developed alongside KSG.

Children receive both indoor and outdoor PE sessions with their specialist KSG teacher.

In EYFS and KS1, children focus on core skills such as movement, throwing, catching and balance. These are then implemented in the context of individual and team-based games, as well as Sports Day activities, by the end of Year 2.

In KS2, children build on the skills they have learned by implementing them and learning further skills in more challenging scenarios. Areas such as invasion games, striking/batting games, outdoor adventurous activities, gymnastics and athletics are taught at this stage.

Children in Years 3 and 4 are also taken swimming throughout the year, to be taught how to swim by a swimming teacher at the Torbay Leisure Centre, in line with the National Curriculum. In Year 6, those children who have not previously achieved the required swimming skills are again given the opportunity to develop their abilities.

At the end of each academic year, there is a Sports Day for EYFS, KS1 and KS2 pupils with the main intentions of allowing children to participate in a team event, encouraging others, celebrating success and children trying their best - and above all, engagement and fun. All children compete equally in this event, with year group teams split into their house groups and earning points towards the grand total for their house. Winning house teams are decided for each phase, with an overall house winner too.

PE@Playtimes, PE with Mr A at lunchtimes and Play Leader led lunchtime PE activities are available to the children each day, in addition to their scheduled PE slots, and the children are encouraged to join in with these regularly.

Through the school’s partnership with KSG, opportunities are being planned for children to compete in an extra sports day event with children from other schools that KSG work with. KSG have also organised swimming galas involving 10 local schools, of which Hayes was one, during the 2023 Summer term and again in the Autumn 2023 term. We look forward to the next exciting event!

Other opportunities for inter-school competition are constantly being investigated by KSG and we look forward to taking part in these as they arise, having recently become members of a local schools’ cluster, being developed for this very purpose.



Through close collaboration with our dedicated Kinetic Sports Group coach, PE at Hayes is enhanced and supplemented in several ways to ensure that we are offering each child the very best opportunities to be all they can be in this area of their education.

During the 2023/2024 academic year, all of our football clubs (Y3/4 mixed, Y5/6 Girls and Y5/6 Boys) have taken part in festivals organised to include more than 10 local schools’ teams. The children travelled to the local Secondary school, where they got to play on the astro turf pitches and experience the excitement of competitive football – both first time experiences for many of our children.

We are currently in the process of organising ‘cluster’ events, where Hayes will host other schools for an afternoon of competitive sports – these will include all year groups from Y1-Y6 and are planned to cover Multi-Sports, Tag Rugby, Cricket and Rounders.

The usual sports days will take place near the end of the summer term, re-vamped this year to allow for the reduced size of our field and due to take place over two days for the first time to allow for a tighter focus by KSG and school staff on skills that have been taught throughout the year. These will include selection events which will be new to the children and will have an olympic theme to highlight the Paris Olympics, taking place from Friday 26th July to Sunday 11th August.

Hayes swimmers have taken part in galas at Torbay Leisure Centre, firstly during the 2023 summer term and, more recently, during the 2024 autumn term. These included a group of ten schools from around Torbay. The children taking part, a boy and a girl from each KS2 year group, all thoroughly enjoyed their afternoons of competition and would all be very keen to attend again if another gala can be organised for the summer term of 2024.

During our ‘enrichment afternoons’ each Friday, there are always opportunities offered by staff to take part in a PE based activity and they have all proven very popular. The offer has included table tennis, couch to 1k, fitness club and dance club.


PE progression