Hayes School

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Design and Technology

Design and technology is a practical and valuable subject where children are taught how to contribute to the creativity, culture, and well-being of themselves and their community. Here at Hayes we will ensure that children understand the impact DT has in today’s modern society, as well as encourage and provide a safe environment for the children to learn how to take risks, becoming more resourceful (especially environmentally), innovative, enterprising and capable. The curriculum of Design and Technology at Hayes reflects our local setting. We aim for the children to become familiar with designers, chefs and engineers, both past and present, as well as ensure the children understand the impact these designers have had within their community and how their work has impacted the world that they live in today. We will influence children to identify how they can combine practical skills with an understanding of aesthetic, social and environmental issues, as well as functions and industry.

Children will be consistently encouraged to think about their initial designs, material choices and final products to evaluate and celebrate success and possible development points. Children will be taught to be reflective and creative problem solvers both individually as well as collaboratively. Each year group will follow the specific skills required for that age range and will plan an innovative, cross-curricular element to inspire children in the area of Design Technology projects.

Design and Technology across the school follows the National Curriculum through projects on a page. These are purposeful planners that ensure that progression is achieved across the year groups. Design and technology will be mainly taught through cross-curricular links, such as Science, Maths, and Topic, to make it relevant and purposeful. Our focus is to ensure that the children’s knowledge and skills are built upon from EYFS through to Year 6 across the key aspects of design and technology; food technology, textiles, electrical systems, mechanisms and structures. Furthermore, this is consistently implemented across the school. As children move up the school, we ensure we build upon prior knowledge and skills and consistently inspire children with the ever changing possibilities of the design world. Teachers at Hayes, sequence lessons and carefully resource projects and experiences so that design and Technology will innovate children’s creativity and allow them to recognise ‘design’ in the world around them. Children will be presented with opportunities to design and make products that solve real, relevant problems within a variety of contexts. Our school values at Hayes will be woven throughout our teaching and learning, within the design and technology curriculum. The children will sometimes work as a team (#friendship), they will explore key individuals (#aspiration), they will create their own products (#success), they will encounter problems and so will need to adapt and persevere (#resilience) and will take #responsibility in their learning as well as when using tools and resources. All the while they will be #discovering the ever changing design world around them.




At Hayes, children first start to discover the world of Design and technology within the EYFS. By exploring the world around them, they begin to make sense of the ‘made world’ that we live in. They do this by making, changing and modifying things for themselves. As design is not just about drawing, but about thinking, creating a superhero or designing a new Lego structure, involve some experience, some imagination and an opportunity to modify ideas, as well as work together.

Technology is about doing and making something for a purpose. It involves putting ideas into practice and having an awareness of what they could achieve as well as what the barriers may be. Purposeful making involves creativity, imagination and fun, as well as a safe space for risk taking, making mistakes and failure!

Year 1



In year 1, the children have learnt about the differences between fruit and vegetables and where they come from. During focused tasks, the children learnt how to chop safely using the claw method and bridge hold as well as how to peel and grate. They also learn the importance of food hygiene.

They also learnt about simple mechanisms and how they can use pivots and levers to make moving pictures.

Year 2



In year 2, the children use their textiles skills to design and make a tshirt for a doll. They also learn the skills to stiffen and strengthen a structure,when making lighthouses.

Year 5



In year 5 the children have been revisiting textiles and developing their sewing skills. The children have been practising how to thread needles and revisiting basic stitches. They have learnt some new stitches as well as investigated how to sew and shape curved edges by snipping seams and how to start and finish off a row of stitches. They made some fabulous money containers!


Design and Technology at Hayes, is linked where possible to our local area. This enriches the children's learning by developing the culture capital and recognising the Design and Technology world that is present all around us. Children will visit local structures when studying structures. They will also learn about and visit local farms, such as Riverford and Occombe, as well as learn about Brixham’s fish industry, when discovering where food comes from and food sustainability.

Pupil Voice:

‘I used tape to put my cape on my potato. It was sticky but I had to push really hard…it kept falling off. I got more tape and it stayed on’ Reception child.

‘I love it in the ‘Make and Do’ - I can use scissors and glue and I make pictures and things.” Reception child.

‘I enjoy Design and Technology because we get to make things. We made a moving picture using a lever and it was much easier than I thought it was going to be.’ - Year 1 child

‘I designed and made a healthy sandwich. I had to peel and grate a carrot and chop up lettuce and cucumber. It was so much fun!’ - Year 1 child

‘We made lighthouses and had to think really carefully about how we could make the structures strong.’ - Year 2 child

‘We learnt about electricity in Year 4. We designed and made a nightlight, and programmed it to work!’ - Year 4 child

‘I know that design and technology is to design something for a purpose to improve lives.’ - Year 4 child

‘There are different types of stitches, like a hemming stitch or cross stitch.’ - Year 5 child

Evolution - Science, D&T and Geography

Design and Technology Story

Design and Technology 2024