Hayes School

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Our intention at Hayes is to ensure that every child is able to access a computing curriculum that both challenges and supports them in achieving their very best, especially as computing is firmly integrated and part of their everyday life. There is an immense value to technology and we want our children to see its value, as well as be safe users in the process. They will become responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology. As we are preparing future generations for employment that may not yet exist, it is essential that they learn to become 'Computational Thinkers" in order that they are able to participate effectively in our ever evolving digital world.

The National Curriculum for Computing aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
  • can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems
  • can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems
  • are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.

Our computing curriculum is based upon the scheme of learning designed by Purple Mash and supplemented with online safety resources from Childnet and the UK Safer Internet Centre. It comprises the three aspects below. Computer Science: The children at Hayes learn to create algorithms and computing vocabulary, including programming, algorithm, debug, repetition and coding. In each year group, they practically explore writing code and creating programs, as well as using logical reasoning to explain how algorithms work.

Information Technology: This strand focuses on understanding the internet, using search technologies efficiently and collecting, evaluating and presenting data and information. The children will apply their knowledge and skills with information technology to support and enhance their learning across the wider curriculum.

Digital Literacy: We aim to provide children with the tools to stay safe online. In a world where any information is accessible at all times, and any information can be posted and shared by anybody, we strongly value the importance of equipping children at Hayes with the knowledge and tools to think critically about the validity of reliable facts from ones that are not. We believe it is crucial that children understand the importance of not sharing personal information online and are able to consistently make safe choices. We aim for them to understand themselves as individuals within their community but also members of a wider global community as a responsible digital citizen. It is important to us that the children are able to apply their knowledge and skills as responsible digital users across all areas of their learning and lives.




Our youngest children learn very early on how to use technology safely and respectfully. They enjoy discovering information as they explore QR codes. Spending time thinking about what it means to stay safe online and knowing who they can go to if they feel unsafe, this is an essential part of ensuring our children are well equipped for the future.

Year 1



Our Year 1 children are introduced to functionality keys and algorithms. They begin to create their own set of instructions as well as learn how to debug them so they work.

Year 2




The children are able to explain what a digital footprint is and are able to give examples of things that they would not want to be in their digital footprint.

Year 3



Year 3 - Our Year 3 children begin to learn how to touchtype. They spend time focusing on the correct way to sit at the keyboard before practising to type with the left and right hand.

Year 4



Our Year 4 children learn to create shapes and patterns using 2Logo.

Year 5



Our Year 5 children thoroughly enjoy planning a quest game for their peers to play. Once they have learned the skills and knowledge for being able to create a working game that is appealing, they spend time testing each others’ games and evaluating them.

Year 6



Our Year 6 children are encouraged to be responsible online citizens by discussing with them how social media can affect a person's health. They regularly reflect on how to responsibly use social media and the internet in a way that protects the health, wellbeing and rights of all. Here are examples of their slogans designed to persuade others to use the internet in a way which looks after the wellbeing of everyone.


Using technology at Hayes is an integral part of everyday life. We ensure the children use computers and devices as tools, across the curriculum, which serves to enrich their learning and discoveries. This promotes and develops their independence as they learn to critically evaluate the validity and reliability of the information they find online. As well as this, games and apps are frequently used to support learning of times tables and spellings.

Pupils voice:

'Computing is my favourite lesson because we get to make games and play each other’s!'

'I like being able to find out information for myself using the chromebook'

'I love learning my times tables on TTRS. I can go really quickly on the ipad'

'I like it when my teacher lets us create pictures and logos on Purple Mash'

'I feel confident that I will have a successful career in computing when I’m older'

'My favourite Purple Mash lesson is coding, as I didn't really know how to code before, but now I'm quite good at it and sometimes play coding games at home'

Computing Subject Story

Computing Progression 2024