Hayes School

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Art, craft and design embodies some of the highest forms of human creativity. It should engage, inspire and challenge pupils of Hayes, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.   As they progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design.   Children will have a range of experiences to explore materials and mediums to provide high quality learning of art.  The children will explore ideas and meaning through the work of artists and designers. Additionally, as they learn about the history, roles and functions of art, they can explore the impact that it has on contemporary life and that of different times and cultures.

The National curriculum for art aims to ensure that all pupils; 

  • Produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences.
  • Become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques.
  • Evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design.
  • Know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.






Through a continued provision across the year, the children are exposed to and have the opportunity to create pieces of art using drawing, paint and modelling materials.  The children learn to intentionally mark with the use of finger paints, brushes and pencils where they create closed shapes with continuous lines and begin to use these shapes to represent objects such as drawing portraits, superheroes and buildings. They will also go on to discover how to join different materials and explore different textures by sticking, layering and constructing collage and 3D pieces. The outdoor environment can provide a fantastic stimulus for art projects where the children can use observations for drawings and paintings produced by the natural world after they visit Primley Woods or their outdoor space.


Year 2




Year 2: In this year, our children learn to mix colours to create images of space linked to the inspiring work of Peter Thorpe. The children used brushes and rollers to create different textures and effects. Through the topic of the Great Fire Of London, the children begin to learn how to add pattern and texture by including dots, spirals and vertical and horizontal lines to create the streets of London. This is then combined with collage where the children learn folding, tearing, crumpling and overlapping paper techniques. 


Year 3



Year 3: Our year 3’s have been learning how to draw basic facial expressions in art and observe the composition and proportion of a range of people’s different facial features. Using the artist Frieda Kahol as inspiration, they then learn how to use complimentary colours to create the desired artistic effect. In sculpture, they learn to use the basic skills of joining cardboard and papier mache to create Egyptian masks linked to Tutankahman.  

Year 4




Year 4: Our year 4’s have been learning how to blend watercolour paints and natural materials to create a replica of Houkasi’s wave considering how blurred lines can be achieved by painting and then mixing  tints, shades and tones to create the desired colours. In sculpture,  they further their skills and knowledge of Papier mache to create 3D sculptures of Greek pots. During drawing, they use techniques to show facial expressions knowing how to use marks and lines to show texture, shade and shape, linking this to our school’s zones of regulation adding the precise colour to match the atmosphere and mood.


Year 5




Year 5: Our year 5's explore Henri Rousseau and use his work to inspire their own ideas for collage created using recycled, natural and manmade materials. They also further develop their skills for using clay to create dragon eyes adding details and texture through pattern and shape. In drawing, they create images of the seas and shore linked to their topic of Shakleton’s journey knowing how to organise line, tone, shape and forms within movement of the sea.


Year 6




Year 6: In Year 6, our children identify the differences between all drawing techniques (hatching, cross hatching, contour hatching, stippling, dashing, feathering, scumbling, blending and smudging)  and their appropriateness to the task and media by applying these to their drawings of the war through the viewer's eye lining this to the No Man’s Land topic. After, they carefully select colours through painting techniques to add effect and atmosphere for a purpose to their eyes.



Enrichment: At Hayes School, art is provided through other areas of the curriculum (as well as art lessons) which enables children to use their skills widely. Our hook days into our new topics are used to inspire a sense of excitement and curiosity about the childrens’ upcoming unit. Additionally, teachers provide weekly enrichment activities where the children have been provided with the opportunity to participate in painting tasks such as portraits, layered painting, acrylic art and more. Sculpture and collage have also been provided where the children have used natural resources, mod roc, paper and other materials to create a piece of art.

As well as this, some year groups have had the chance to work alongside the RNLI to produce a piece and creating larger pieces of art using recycled materials, such as milk bottle lids. Throughout the year, the children also get the opportunity to create art pieces through national events such as World of artwork along with pupils from other schools, painting seagulls for the local community project Book Day, Comic Relief, Children in Need, etc…

On a yearly basis, each class also produces a piece of art work, linked to our school values with differentiated progression of skills through painting. 


Hayes ART Curriculum Subject Story

Art Progression document Feb 2024