Hayes School

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Curriculum Intent

At Hayes, we strive for our children to push beyond any perceived idea of potential, to be all they can be, regardless of background, in order that they leave us as good human beings - happy, kind and responsible. Our curriculum is integral in shaping children to become independent and life-long learners. At Hayes, we also aim to equip our children with the ability to ‘think’ in order to make sense of an ever-changing world.  Our curriculum has been designed, with thinking at its heart, to achieve our ultimate vision: all children will live fulfilling and happy lives, being all they can be.

Curriculum Implementation:

Learning is designed to link concepts, ideas, skills and knowledge both vertically and horizontally. This enables learners to revisit, accumulate and build on their knowledge as they progress through school. We aim to make our pupils' knowledge rich, knowing more and remembering more, as they move through school. Key features of our curriculum implementation include:

  • Our ethos is based around our Hayes Values of; responsibility, success, aspiration, resilience, discovery and friendship. These values are embedded across our curriculum and, alongside assemblies, enrichment opportunities and our PSHRE curriculum, provide our children with a rich framework that promotes the values, attitudes and behaviours vital to living in a modern society.

  • Each half-term, a new topic is introduced with a “hook day” designed to engage children’s interest from the start. Each of our Learning Experience Units is based around an ‘Enquiry Question”’ with subsequent questions generated to challenge our pupils’ thinking and deepen learning as the unit progresses. Each Learning Experience will embed one of the school values and end with a single high-quality outcome. English, specifically reading, will form the basis of the Learning Experience alongside other subject drivers, such as Geography, History, Art or DT. We block topics and subjects so that learners can engage deeply in the learning content. 

  • We strive to provide high quality, first-hand experiences in and out of school and build visits and inspirational visitors into our curriculum. Serving an area of high deprivation, we recognise the importance of widening our pupils’ knowledge and improving cultural capital.

  • Language acquisition is a key priority across the school – vocabulary is specifically planned within all subjects to be progressive in nature. Each unit of work has a set of “know, grow, show” words (Know – tier 1, grown – tier 2, Show – tier 3) that children will learn and use within their own work. Vocabulary triangles are used to display the current vocabulary being taught – these words also form a key part of the knowledge organisers for each driver subject. 

  • We believe in supporting pupils’ growing depth of knowledge and mastery of subject-specific skills by providing a progression map across all subject areas. Both the key knowledge and skills are clearly mapped out to ensure a progressive and suitably challenging curriculum across all subjects.

  • To support our pupils in their knowledge acquisition, we use knowledge organisers. These documents set out the core knowledge to be acquired by the end of a sequence of learning and also clearly set out the vocabulary to be studied. These are to be sent home and shared with parents to assist with home learning, therefore strengthening the link between home and school.

  • We encourage parental involvement through our Learning Experience outcomes, parents’ workshops, reading mornings, and “talk and toast” sessions. These provide opportunities to deepen our parents’ understanding of our curriculum and promote the concept of parents as partners in education. 

  • Our teachers have good subject knowledge of the subjects they teach and will be encouraged to refine their knowledge and skills through attending training, sharing best practice and undertaking research. Subject leaders will provide colleagues with effective support for planning, resourcing and teaching.

Ultimately, our school curriculum is the way in which we aim to fulfil our school vision and values – and the means to make learning irresistible for all our children.

Curriculum Impact:

 The intended impact of our curriculum framework is that: 

  • By the end of each year group, and ultimately by the end of each key stage, children are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for the next stage of their education. This is reflected in the results that are achieved at the end of Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. 

  • Our pupils demonstrate a thirst for learning and a desire to know more. They have a rich vocabulary which they use to understand and interpret the world around them. 

  • Our pupils are respectful, resilient, confident, individuals who act with morality and kindness. They are able to make and maintain positive relationships both now and in the future. 

  • Our pupils demonstrate aspirations for the future and know that these can be realised by hard work and determination. 

  • Our pupils reach their potential and grow up being able to lead fulfilling, healthy lifestyles. They show respect for, and make a positive contribution to, the world in which they live.

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